Ablation therapy / cryo-ablation / thermo-ablation / radiofrequency ablation: a surgical procedure performed inside the heart by the tip of a catheter that burns or freezes tissue; ablation destroys abnormal 'reentrant' pacemaker tissue sites that cause arrhythmias
Acronym: a word created from the first letter of a sequence of words; CPR = cardio pulmonary resuscitation; EP = electrophysiology; AHA = American Heart Association; AF = atrial fibrillation
Aelius Galenus: Galen: physician son of Aelius Nikon from Greece, disciple of Hippocrates; misunderstood respiration
Alveoli: tiny air pockets surrounded by microscopic arteries and veins inside lungs where circulation of blood and ventilation of air brings in new fresh oxygen and removes warm moist vapor full of carbon dioxide out of blood
Atelectasis: collapsing of alveoli, leads to hyperthermia
Anesthesiologist: a physician who studies vapors, drugs, circulation, respiration, cognitive function, and blood coagulation
Arrhythmia: irregular pulse, abnormal ECG; premature beats; skipped heartbeats; palpitations; reentry circuits
Atypical Angina: spasm of the right coronary artery, prinzmetal angina, pulmonary embolism
Anaerobic: metabolism without oxygen; muscle lactic acid
Anticoagulation: blood thinner; aspirin; heparin; plavix; warfarin; rat poison
Anxiety: panic attack; lack of oxygen, choking on food, pulmonary embolism, oxygen desaturation
Artery: muscular thick walled blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, aorta, pulmonary artery
Aspirin: bark of Salix tree; natural; reduces platelets coagulation
Asthma: wheezing; difficulty breathing; caused by smoke / dust inhalation or pulmonary embolism
Atrial Fibrillation: regularly irregular pulse, malfunction of mitral or tricuspid valve
Atrial Flutter: tachycardia, fast atrial contractions, malfunction of mitral or tricuspid valve
Autoimmune: immune response of the body against germs, viruses, which generate toxins, inflammation destroys healthy tissue
Benign: mild; opposite of malignant; not important
Bigeminy: slow strong pulse, pulmonary valve blood clot, skipped heartbeats, bradycardia, flip flop palpitation, pulse deficits
Biventricular: both ventricles; right and left ventricles
Blood Pressure: vital sign; blood volume, cardiac output, cardiac contractility; systolic contraction pressure / diastolic relaxation pressure; arterial line; sphygmomanometer; ebb and flow of blood
Blood vessel: artery; vein; capillary; flexible tube that transport blood in and out of the heart, lungs, and organs of the body
Bradycardia / slow heartbeat / athletic heart / blood clot at pulmonary valve
Brain Fog: cognitive dysfunction, TIA, blood detritus embolism into brain, temporary anaerobic cerebral metabolism
Burp: automatic reflex by the body to expel gas inside the stomach or esophagus; thrombo ructus is a burp caused by blood clot in pulmonary artery that pulsates against the esophagus
CHF: Congestive Heart Failure; low cardiac output, low ejection fraction; myocardial dysfunction; multiple causes include myocardial infarction, venous thromboembolism into heart valves causing right ventricular congestion
CO: Carbon Monoxide; a clear gas produced during incomplete carbon combustion with oxygen
CO2: Carbon Dioxide; a clear heavy gas produced during aerobic metabolism
CPR: Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation; 'hands only' treatment for sudden cardiac arrest
Cancer: abnormal cells; Dr Rudolph Virchow discovered leukemia blood cancer / Dr Otto Warburg discovered cancer cells metabolism produces lactic acid
Cardiac Output / amount of blood pumped by the ventricles during the contraction of the heart
Cardiac ICU Nurse / a nurse in the intensive care unit / a vital sign expert / a trained observer
Cardiac Arrest / heart stops pumping blood / no pulse / multiple causes including commotio cordis, VTE at the pulmonary valve
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation / CPR / "hands only" chest compressions / electrical defibrillation / treatment for cardiac arrest
Cardiologist / physician, surgeon or scientist who studies the heart, blood vessels, and circulation / American Heart Association / American Stroke Association / American College of Cardiology / Heart Rhythm Society
Carotid Artery / artery that carries blood into the brain / neck pulse / heartbeat
Chinese medicine / pulse / herbs / Tai Chi / yin – yang / cold – hot / male - female
Clot / thrombus / blood is liquid resin composed of salt water, sticky proteins, lubricating cholesterol, red cells, white cells and platelets. Lactic metabolic acid is the hardener that triggers the coagulation of blood resin into blood clot epoxy detritus or thrombus
Cognitive Dysfunction / brain fog / confusion / post op thinking in recovery room / CO2 narcosis / TIA's from cerebral blood clots origination from left atrial appendage or PDE (paradoxical embolism) from VTE through a PFO (patent foramen ovale) hole in the heart
Coughing / natural reflex that expels inhaled smoke, dust from breathing / natural reflex that expels blood clots out of heart valves
Detritus / partly coagulated blood / blood clot glue / precursor of thrombus / composed of red blood cells + sticky proteins + platelets
Depression / sadness / weakness / a natural condition caused by heart failure / Takotsubo / Q Waves / broken heart syndrome
Dilated Ventricles / precursor to ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, and asystole
Dizzy spell / light headed, vertigo, brain fog, low blood pressure, embolism of detritus into brain, TIA (transient ischemic attack)
EP / electrophysiology: the logical study of electricity and physiology
Einthoven / physician who discovered the EKG (electrocardiogram) in 1903 / Nobel Prize 1924
EKG / ECG / electrocardiogram / graph paper record of electrical activity during heartbeat / three waves: P, QRS, and T
Electricity / static electricity / streaming potentials / friction electric charges created by the heartbeat / blood flow friction potentials
Electro-mechanical dissociation / pulseless electrical activity / pulse deficit / the heart contracts without pumping blood
Electrocardiogram / EKG / ECG / electrical activity recorded during the heartbeat / P, QRS, T waves from the heartbeat
Embolize / migrate / movement of blood clots from inside vein of leg muscles into the vena cava of the abdomen into the right atrium of the heart / discovered by Dr Virchow / 'embolia'
Esophagus / smooth muscle tube that connects the mouth to the stomach / behind and adjacent to the heart
Fainting / syncope / unconscious
Femoral Artery, Nerve &Vein / neurovascular bundle / three structures encapsulated by fascia into one bundle
Flatline / no electrical activity / asystole / heart without motion / no heartbeat / no blood flow / end of life / death
Flip / Flop / palpitation / ventricular bigeminy / causes include blood clot passing through pulmonary valve / pulse deficit
Fluttering / palpitation / tachycardia / fast heartbeat / causes include VTE into the tricuspid valve
Flow Murmur / narrow heart valve / caused by blood turbulence during the heartbeat
Gag / reflex caused by food stuck inside the esophagus of the throat / reflex caused by large blood clots pulsating inside the pulmonary artery against the esophagus, which stimulates vomiting
Gallileo: Italian professor of physics / observed that the world was a rotating sphere / accused and convicted of heresy
Graft / foreign body composed of synthetic fibers woven into flexible soft mesh patches that are used by surgeons to replace arteries, veins, ligaments or other tissue / foreign body reaction, inflammation with pain and swelling
Groin / lower part of abdomen next to the belly button (umbilicus) / connects the upper thigh to lower abdomen
Harvey: physician who discovered one way heart valves and theory of circulation of blood through the lungs back to heart
Heart: blood pumping pump composed of two separate but connected elongated neuromuscular tubes with one way valves, heartbeat is the contraction of two connected pumps that propel blood into the body and lungs each second of time
Heartbeat / pulse / contraction of the heart (left ventricle and aorta) generates blood flow felt in arteries as a pulse
Heart Failure / congestive heart failure / CHF / enlarged heart / swollen heart / dilated ventricles / tachycardia / arrhythmias
Heart murmur / blood flow turbulence during heartbeat / heart valve infection, blood clots, anemia
Heart Valves / four important one way reciprocating valves in the heart / tricuspid and pulmonary valves of right heart / mitral and aortic valves of the left ventricle / valves connect the two ventricles to the two atria and two great arteries
Heme / Iron / Oxygen Transport / Magnetic / Blood Color / Red Pink / Orange Blue / Purple Black / pulse oximeter
Hemorrhage / bleeding / injury / torn or cut blood vessels / accidents / surgery / tachycardia / low blood pressure / sudden death
Hippocrates / do no harm / Father of modern medicine / belief in the spiritual & emotional nature of man / evidence based therapy / scientific / opposite of magic or supernatural
Holter monitor / EKG monitor / computer science / electricity of heartbeat / video vital sign of heartbeat
Hot Flash / fever / elevated temperature / hyperthermia / sweating / malfunction of air cooling system / clogged up alveoli / PMS / atelectasis / blood clots / pulmonary venous thrombo embolism / PE (pulmonary embolism)
Hypoxia / without oxygen / anoxia / anaerobic / sudden global lactic acidosis / sudden death
Idiopathic / unexplained / not yet understood
Imagination / the use of intelligence to make sense out of data / more important than knowledge / right side of brain
Innovative / creative / art / right side of brain
Insomnia / sleepless / Ondine’s curse: insomnia begets insomnia / VTE during sleep causes sudden tachycardia with arousal
Intelligent: ability to learn, remember, compare and understand data and relationships / left side of brain
Iron / Fe / hemoglobin contains iron / ferrous & ferric / oxygen transport system / heme
Irregularly irregular heartbeat / arrhythmia / atrial fibrillation / pulsus erraticus
Isoelectric / flat line / moments between cardiac contractions / moments between blood flow
Jugular / blood vessel adjacent to carotid artery / venous blood flow into right atrium / pulsus reversus during heartbeat
Law of La Place / dilated ventricles have weak contraction / low cardiac output / sensitive to premature contractions / sudden death
Light-headed / low blood pressure / low cardiac output / VTE at pulmonary valve
Logic / science / intelligent reasoning based on observations / evidence based medicine / left side of brain / making sense out of data
Love / a complicated combination of emotion and logic / a natural unconscious attraction between men and women that leads to sexual intimacy, procreation and family / part logic and part emotion / complex relationship / patient and kind / listens without prejudice / shares
Malpighi / discovered capillaries inside lungs (alveoli) / observed a difference between blood clots in veins and arteries
Menstrual Cycle / cycle of estrogen & progesterone hormone changes / blood vessel changes inside uterus during cycle / Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): hot flashes, bloating, insomnia, irritability, mild fever and tachycardia near Day # 28, 1, 2
Neurology / the organized study of the brain and nervous system
Nerve / a special cell that mediates and regulates muscle contractions and thinking process
Numb / without sensation / anesthesia / interruption or alteration of nerve transmission / acidosis / neuropathy
Oxygen Desaturation Event / SpO2 / saturation percent of oxygen in blood hemoglobin / pulse oximeter / a decrease of 4% below baseline saturation rate / caused by apnea or VTE of detritus into lungs (PE)
P Wave / first wave of EKG heartbeat / correspond to right and left atrial contractions / blood flow from two atrial contractions / two electric waves that are superimposed on each other / two wave merge and form one united P wave / P mitrale = abnormal wide ‘split P’ wave / mitral stenosis delays blood flow from the left atrium into the left ventricle /
Pacemaker / artificial = battery powered computer stimulator, EKG recording & sensing device attached by wires implanted into heart ventricles / regulates heart rhythm / treats sick sinus syndrome / treats and prevents sudden cardiac arrest
Pacemaker / natural areas that stimulate and coordinate peristaltic contractions / SA Node = Sino Atrial Node = a node of responsive nerve tissue inside right atrium, a visible lump inside a depression located in the right atrium of the heart where the superior vena cava drains blood from the arms and brain into the right atrium / the SA node responds to expansion, stretching, pressure, mechanical stimulation, neurochemicals, adrenaline, and electrical stimulation / the SA node impulses initiate two atrial contraction that causes P wave of the EKG / the AV node is visible lump of responsive tissue that triggers the contraction of the ventricles and create the QRS wave / invisible pacemeker cells are imbedded in the muscular walls of the two great arteries and supervise peristaltic contraction that pump blood away from the heart after the contraction of the ventricles are completed / aortic and pulmonary artery contraction generate blood flow that creates the T wave
Palpitations / cardiac sensations caused by blood clots passing through heart valves / tricuspid valve clots cause fluttering sensation with rapid weak pulse as EKG records atrial flutter / pulmonary valve clots cause flip flop sensations with slow strong pulse as EKG records ventricular bigeminy
Panic Attack / Anxiety, shortness of breath, dreadful sensations, powerful sweating, hyper alert sensation, panic / blood clot in pulmonary valve causes sudden "internal" suffocation, sudden pulseless ECG, sudden release of adrenaline with tachycardia and palpitations
Pasteur / famous biochemical research scientist and Professor from France / studied germ metabolism inside milk and discovered lactic acid / anaerobic milk sugar (lactate) → lactic acid + milk protein produce milk curds that are made into tasty cheese
Paradoxical / intermittent, recurrent, mysterious / heart rhythm caused by blood clots passing through heart valves / paradoxical atrial flutter is caused by paradoxical blood clots passing through the tricuspid valve / "rebellious" palpitation are caused by blood clots going through heart valves
Peristalsis / sequential coordinated smooth muscle contractions that propel fluid or food one way from beginning to end / esophagus into stomach / ureter into bladder
Physiology: the study of the function of the parts of the human body. Respiration, circulation, metabolism.
PMS / Premenstrual Syndrome / a constellation of events that commence around day #25 or #26 of the menstrual cycle and continue until about day # 2 or #3 / bloating / nausea / breast tenderness / insomnia / headache / irritability / hot flashes
Post Hoc / post hoc ergo propter hoc / misunderstanding relationship between associated events / false beliefs / misunderstanding sequence of events or cause & effect
Premature Heartbeat / abnormal heartbeat / atrial or ventricular / blood clots cause premature beats / valve malfunction cause premature beats
Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC) / originates from right or left ventricle / right side PVC usually caused by blood clots passing through the pulmonary valve / aortic stenosis causes PVC that originates from exercise induced blood flow / valve stenosis acts like a prism and separates blood flow wave from aorta and blood flow wave of right ventricle into pulmonary artery / QRS wave is long, wide, bifid and split into two pieces merged together
PVC / Premature Ventricular Contraction / wide long bifid QRS wave
Pulmonary Valve / one of four important flexible, reciprocating, one way valves / regulates blood flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery that carries desaturated blood into the lungs
Pulse / Galen / Heartbeat / one of the original vital signs: pulse, respiration, temperature
Pulse Deficit / skipped heartbeat / pulseless EKG / electromechanical dissociation / caused by a blood clots passing through the pulmonary valve
Pulseless EKG / pulse deficit / consecutive pulseless EKG / fainting, seizure, and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)
Pulse Oximeter / a monitor that records the pulse, oxygen saturation, carbon monoxide saturation / a photoplethysmograph / transmits infrared light through the fingertip
QRS Wave / Ventricular Contractions / R wave, blood flow upwards and out of right and left ventricles / Second blood flow of heartbeat / Q Wave, Takotsubo, downward outward bulging of apex of ventricles at start of systole, downward blood flow, inferior MI
Re-entry Circuits / abnormal electrical pacemaker circuits / post hoc misunderstanding / blood flow create self-electric potentials that are measured by voltmeters during electrophysiology procedures called EP / reentrant circuits originate from blood flow not cellular action potentials
Respiration: breathing / inhalation of cool dry air full of oxygen & exhalation of warm moist air full of carbon dioxide / vital sign
SADS / Sudden Arrhythmogenic Death Syndrome / post hoc belief that sudden cardiac arrhythmias cause sudden death / often caused by sudden embolism of supersize blood clot into pulmonary valve / sudden "internal" suffocation / sudden cardiac arrest / thrombothanatos
SA Node / the natural pacemaker / a node of sympathetic nerve tissue located inside the right atrium of the heart that triggers the start of the normal healthy heartbeat
Scar Tissue / dead tissue / non contracting / no sensation / unfeeling / insensitive / unresponsive
Sciatica / pain radiating down the pathways of branches of peripheral nerves composed of the sciatic nerve roots / mechanical nerve root compression → peripheral nerve tingling / shooting pains down into the legs, ankle and feet along the path of compressed nerve roots
Skipped Heartbeat / pulseless EKG / ventricular arrhythmia / PVC / wide QRS / isometric cardiac contraction / pulseless EKG / electromechanical dissociation (EMG)
Sick Sinus / Sick Sinus Syndrome / Tachy Brady Syndrome / Brady Tachy Syndrome / ideopathic, not yet understood / thrombocardia
Sleep Apnea: oxygen desaturation events that occur during sleep
Sleep Arousal / Night sweats / hot flashes / Tachycardia / PMS / Hodgkin’s disease / blood clots in the tricuspid valve cause the heart to speed up / bloody detritus clogs up the lung filters called alveoli, prevents air cooling process, leads to hyperthermia and night sweats / hot flashes
Sneeze / reflex reaction stimulated by foreign body inside trachea or bronchial tubes / reflex stimulated by blood clots inside the heart valves / pulmonary arteries / brief suspension of the heartbeat
Stasis / Slow or No blood flow / anaerobic metabolism / compartment syndrome / VOO / CO / lactic acid / clots
Stenosis / Narrowing / Explanation: valve narrowing reduces blood flow / fluid dynamics: flow is proportional to the radius of the tube raised to the 4th power / stenosis and fluid mechanics explains impact of small blood clot on blood flow
Syncope / fainting / pulseless EKG / unconscious / hypoxia / asleep / hypnosis / hyupercapnea / narcolepsy / detritus
Syndrome / a collection of symptoms associated with an unknown disease process / idiopathic
Supernatural / magic / unnatural / outside the natural / paranormal / opposite of natural
T Wave / third wave of EKG / misunderstood post hoc confusion / ‘repolarization’ of the ventricles / aortic & pulmonary artery contractions create upward - downward blood flow
Tachycardia / rapid, fast heartbeat / fast pulse
Thrombocardia: blood clots interfere with blood flow through heart valves and alter the rhythm of the EKG and pulse / thrombocardia is the cause of sick sinus syndrome.
Thrombophysiology / logical study of blood clot formation and function / blood = resin / lactic acid = hardener
Thrombothanatos / sudden death by embolism of supersize blood clots into pulmonary valve → internal circulatory suffocation cardiac arrest → "global" acidosis → fatal fibrillation of heart → asystole
Tinnitus / ringing in the ears / aspirin toxicity / excess aspirin → embolism of detritus into brain → tinnitus
Unconscious / asleep / natural state of rest / narcolepsy / hypercapnea
Valve: heart valve / flexible one way reciprocating fluid valves that regulate blood flow in heart / heart valves separate blood flow of heartbeat
Vein / soft flexible tubular blood vessel / carries blood back into the heart / pulmonary veins (lungs) / systemic veins (body)
Ventricular Fibrillation / sudden death / SADS / wiggling heart muscle / no pulse / precursor to asystole & death
Virchow / brilliant physician from Berlin, Germany / all cells come from cells / discovered leukemia / uncovered causes of coagulation / Virchow's triad: trauma, hyper coagulation and stasis / misunderstood infection, lactic acid & detritus
Vitamin D / osteoporosis / lactic acid / aseptic necrosis / alcohol / pathological fracture / sunshine / exercise / soft bones / calcium / nutrition / metabolism / diet
Voltmeter / measures electric current / resistance / electric ‘pressure’ / direct current / electron flow / streaming potentials
VOO = venous outflow obstruction = compartment syndrome / sitting position in airplane → 'economy class syndrome' / VOO leads to lactic acid + blood clots + phlebitis
Warburg / physician & research scientist / discovered that cancer cells metabolize sugar into lactic acid / Hodgkin’s lymphoma causes lactic acid that forms clots that embolize into lungs during sleep and cause night sweats with racing heartbeats
Water H2O / the essence of life / polarized / magnetic / major component of blood / blood flow generates electricity