Blood Clot Diagnosis
Cardiac Cycle EKG=ECG=Electrocardiogram
Dr Einthoven observed three waves during each cardiac contraction. He called these waves, the P, the QRS and the T and received the Nobel Prize in medicine/physiology in 1924. Dr Einthoven observed that tall, narrow QRS electrical vectors correspond to ventricular contractions. Small P waves precede tall waves and correspon to atrial contractions. Wide prominent T waves follow tall spikes. Cardiologists teach that atrial muscle cell depolarizations cause small P waves, that ventricular muscle cell depolarizations cause tall QRS wave; and that repolarization of ventricular cells cause T waves. Research by Findl and Kurtz (1977) support an alternative theory that blood flow generates the electrocardiogram, which is based on a theory that electrolyte movement generates electricity. First, two atrial contractions generate blood flow electric potentials that are P waves. Next, biventricular contractions generate blood flow electric potentials that are QRS waves. Finally, peristaltic aortic and pulmonary artery muscle contractions generate blood flow electric potentials that are T waves. The interpretation of the ECG needs to be reviewed and updated as necessary to make sense out of the T wave. The EKG and Pulse The EKG is Out of Time with the pulse oximeter during ventricular bigeminy and atrial flutter.
Vibration TherapyVenous thromboembolism into the cusps of the pulmonary valve causes right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction. This reduces the ejection of blood from the right ventricle (RV) during systole. This decreases the ejection fraction by both ventricles since the two ventricles are connected together by a common wall. RVOT delays the flow of blood out of the heart and the ECG records a long QT. Moreover, RVOT causes RV dilation with dysplasia and decreased RV contractility. The dilated RV causes benign premature ventricular beats during stress that lead to 'arrhythmogenic' cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure (CHF). Blood clot accummulation inside the tricuspid and pulmonary valves cause fatigue and depression. Total body vibration platforms were developed by a Russian scientist named Vladimir Nazarov. These machines produce vibrations that separate clumps of red blood cells that occur during weightless outer space exploration. This decreases venous thrombosis, which leads to RVOT and cardiac arrhythmias. Vertical vibrations of one G force at 20 to 50 Hertz between 0.5 to 1.5 millimeters amplitude shake loose small sticky adherent blood clots that are deep inside the cusps of the pulmonary valve, which cause thrombogenic valve stenosis. Vibrating blood clots out of the pulmonary valve improves blood flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery which stops right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) obstruction. The RV decompresses. Pulmonary valve function improves after clots are expelled out of the valve cusps, and the right ventricle end diastolic volume decreases, which improves cardiac ejection fraction. The RV remodels and the patient becomes stronger and happier after the ECG rhythm reverts to normal sinus rhythm. Vibration exercise can be good medicine. Music Therapy |